
Gung Ho!

I have exciting news!  It's been a while since I've blogged, so I'll just do a quick run through of what's been happening!
Several weeks ago, while I was sitting in my apartment alone on a Saturday night, I got out my business plan writing book and thought I would get started.  I got 2 pages into it and felt so overwhelmed that I gave up.  I told God that I knew I could do it, but I NEEDED someone with business experience/knowledge to partner with me.  The next day, my friend Mallory texted me to see if I was serious about her opening her bakery with my coffeeshop.  I had joked with her about it previously, but hadn't brought it up recently, so it came as a complete surprise.  That was the first time God reminded me that this can happen if I leave it in his hands. 

After that I got a job at Crane Coffee.  After orientation and a short day of training, I was told that I would not be a good fit for that location.  Hello blow to the ego!  I went through a bit of a "God, is this really what you want from me? Is this really the direction I'm supposed to go?!"  Two days later, Mallory came over for game night and told me that her school was having a contest for the best written/thought out business plans.  There was a cash reward for the top 3.  She had to write a business plan for her class, and thought it would be fun for us to work on it together to turn in for the contest.  Mallory is wanting to open a bakery, and is currently taking a small business management class at UNO.  I'm sure it won't be the last time God steps in to reassure me of my direction.

Me, Michelle, and Mallory
And so, Saturday night Mallory and I sat down and wrote our Executive Summary, outlining what we want out of Divine Bakery and Coffee Shop.  It's on paper.  It's not just jumbled thoughts in my head anymore.  It's becoming something concrete.  And that, my friends, is something to rejoice in!

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